Insured Property Owners
If your property was damaged by a storm, or
gets damaged by a storm in the future, you need...
By Larry Burtis - President, ICCOA / 3RSystems, LLC
In the past, P&C insurance operated as a semi-public trust that did, for the most part, honor the promises they made to their insured policyholder customers. Today however, as evidenced through the 60 MINUTES YouTube video below and elsewhere, they operate more as an organization whose primary mission is to maximize profits by paying out as little as possible on their insured policyholder customers legitimate property damage claims. Know that, although Florida hurricane insurance claim recovery payment problems are the primary focus of the 60 MINUTES video below, the problems discussed are also occurring all across the country and involve property & casualty insurance companies from the smallest to the largest. The 09/29/24 60 MINUTES video below tells the whole story.
All across the country, by repeatedly altering, under recording damage, and denying payment for legitimate covered damage, directly employed and third party contracted insurance company desk adjusters who make the final claims payment decisions, leave too trusting insured policyholders underpaid and unpaid on their legitimate property damage claims by hundreds of millions to billions of dollars every year. Insured policyholders who have already suffered property damage as a result of a severe storm are then forced to suffer a second time, financially and otherwise, as a result of their insurance company's greed.
In the past, storm damage restoration contractors were able to, at no cost to insured property owners, advocate for and negotiate the final repair settlements paid to their insured customers by their P&C insurance companies. As a result of questionable and potentially unconstitutional Unauthorized Practice of Public Adjusting (UPPA) legislation lobbied for in recent years by the P&C insurance industry and passed into law however, that is no longer allowed. It is primarily because of that relatively new P&C insurance industry promoted law that P&C insurance companies are now able to, as the lobbyists and insurance industry friendly legislators behind the law intended and as the above 60 MINUTES video clearly illustrates, delay, deny, and defend against fairly and fully paying insured property owners legitimate property damage claims indefinitely.
As an insured property owner, once you have completed your study of the guide, you will be better versed and better informed on how the insurance claims recovery process should really work than ninety-eight percent of insurance company paid adjusters as well as all storm damage restoration contractors in the country who have not completed the 3RSystems, LLC storm damage restoration contractor training program. By learning what the P&C insurance industry does not want their insured policyholder customers to know, you will be empowered to be able to take back control of the claims recovery process and more likely achieve a fair and full property damage insurance claim recovery settlement on your own when, because of UPPA, your contractor no longer can. In the majority of cases, you'll then be able to avoid the often lengthy insurance adjuster caused delays as well as the additional costs associated with hiring a public adjuster, appraiser, or attorney to prosecute your legitimate storm caused property damage claim to fair and full payment.
Learn how to take back control of the insurance claims repair
process and avoid getting ripped off by your insurance company
with the
Over the past few months, through massive nationwide promotion, the full and complete 3RS Insured Property Owners Storm Damage Recovery Guide© was made available directly to hundreds of thousands of insured property owners from across the country to download from this site. As of December 1, 2024, the guide is no longer available to download from this site and will only be available to insured property owners who directly request it and through contractors who have ordered and completed the 3RSystems, LLC storm damage contractor training program. Those contractors will be able to give their property owner customers access to the full and complete guide through a private password that will be revealed to them once they have signed a contract with a 3RSystems, LLC trained contractor to complete their repairs. Retail and storm damage restoration contractors can learn more about the training and how become a 3RSystems, LLC trained storm damage restoration contractor by clicking on the link below. Insured property owners can get access to the guide by requesting a PDF copy through the Contact link shown in the menu above.
Learn how to become a 3RSystems, LLC trained Storm Damage Restoration Contractor at:
Larry Burtis - President, ICCOA / 3RSystems, LLC
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